Monday 30 November 2015

PIB 17

1. apart from natural calamities, cyber disaster pose a new threat in the present day situation and there is a need to address this challenge where the DRDO and other stakeholders can contribute immensely. natural hazards affects nearly six percent of India’s population and 24 percent of deaths in Asia caused by disasters.

2. The Ministry of Road Transport & highways has issued a draft notification for implementation of BS-V and BS-VI norms for the automobile sector, covering the four wheeler category. The ministry has decided to advance the date for implementation of the higher level emission standards.

3. India re-elected as Member of International Maritime Council for coming two years (2016-17). India has been one of the earliest members of the IMO, having ratified its Convention and joined it as a member-state in the year 1959. It may also be recalled that vulnerable areas were defined as High Risk Area (HRA), characterized by piracy attacks and / or hijackings and in 2008, the HRA line in the Indian Ocean region was designated at 65 degrees East longitude. from its existing position of 78 degrees East longitude to 65 degrees East longitude. This shift will come into effect from December 1, 2015. This will result in huge savings for India’s EXIM trade and consumers on account of reduced insurance premium and consequently freight costs. It will improve safety of fishermen and fishing boats, and will also improve the security along India’s coastline.

4. As per Para 4(1) of the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution, there shall be TAC in each State having Scheduled Areas therein and , if the President should directs, also in any State having Scheduled Tribes but non-Scheduled Areas. As per provisions of Fifth Schedule, the members of TAC should be not more than 20 of whom, as nearly as may be, three-fourths shall be the representatives of the STs in the Legislative Assemble in the State. To advise on such matters pertaining to the welfare and advancement of the Scheduled Tribes in the State as may be referred to them by the Governor.

5. NITI Aayog with its mandate of cooperative federalism has been regularly engaging with States, particularly during the meetings of the Sub group of Chief Ministers constituted specifically with themes such as Rationalization of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS), Skill Development and Swacch Bharat Abhiyan in addition to Task Forces on Agriculture and Poverty Elimination. The States were broadly in agreement with the reduced role of NITI in allocative decisions and desired that NITI Aayog should play the role of a Knowledge organization.

6. Eight Higher Educational institutions from India have been listed in the top 500 universities in the World by the QS rankings in 2015. However, since many of these ranking systems attach considerable importance to perception, despite faring well in the research, many institutions from India have not secured the ranks as per their performance. While working on their strengths, the Indian higher education institutions would need to work on improving their perception index if they have to better their global rankings. For a more objective assessment based on performance, Government has brought out the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) for Higher Education Institutions.Under this, each institution is evaluated on 5 broad parameters namely – 1) Teaching / Learning resources, 2) Research 3) Graduation Outcomes, 4) Outreach / Inclusive nature and 5) The public perception.

Friday 27 November 2015

PIB 16

1. In PMKSY, the new funding pattern ithas been modified to 60:40 for States and 90:10 for the North Eastern States.

2. the low oil prices are a challenge to the upstream industry but it has also resulted in lowering the cost of exploration and related services and we need to convert this challenge into  opportunity to upscale production. only half of India’s sedimentary basins have been explored and there is an immense potential in the remaining half. Exploration of the remaining half should be taken up on top priority in order to curb imports by ten percent by 2022

3. consequent to higher devolution of funds to the States as per the recommendations of 14th Finance Commission, the Sub-Group of Chief Ministers on Rationalization of Centrally Sponsored Schemes was constituted and it has submitted its Report wherein it has recommended that fund sharing pattern of PMGSY will be in the ratio of 60:40 between the Centre and States for all States except for 8 North Eastern and 3 Himalayan States for which it will be 90:10.

4. He said the history of Indian journalism is intertwined with that of the freedom movement. From the time of Hickey’s Gazette which came out during the days of East India Company, the media has highlighted problems faced by the common people. Jawaharlal Nehru wrote in October 1937 in The Modern Review of Calcutta under a pseudonym and criticised himself for having dictatorial tendencies. People wondered who had dared criticize Nehru. It was only much later that people realised Nehru himself had written the article in order to encourage criticism.

5. The first South Asian Annual Disaster Management Exercise (SAADMEx -2015) hosted by Government of India, was successfully conducted from 23rd to 26th November 2015 in the National Capital Region. The dimensions, frequency, and complexity of natural disasters are increasing. No country is immune from this trend. In such a scenario – local, national, regional and international cooperation and coordination are more vital than ever before(in matters of disaster risk reduction and sharing of best practices). “One SAARC, One Response” & “Collective response better than individual response”

6. National award winning film ‘I Cannot Give You My Forest’ inspired by the issues of Niyamgiri Adivasis(Kondh tribes). It highlights environmental issues and focus on struggle of tribals in day-today life. Nandan Saxena and Kavita Bahl’s film

7. Seeking to improve basic infrastructure in urban areas, the Ministry of Urban Development today approved an investment of Rs.3,120 cr for enhancing water supply, sewerage network services, storm water drains, non-motorised transport and availability of public spaces in 102 cities, under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT).

8. Today we need to develop such strategies that will lead to sustainable productivity gains and also profitability of farming. Indian agriculture was given begging bowl status in the world. out foodgrain production that was 82 MT in 1960-61 has touched 264 MT by 2013-14. The success of green revolution in India proved wrong the theories of Malthus and economists who said that India would suffer on account of poverty and technological backwardness. . The rainfed areas today contribute about 60% to the agricultural production. Therefore, we need to focus on water management and conservation in these areas. It is time for second green revolution in the country and we believe that this can happen from the eastern states of our country.

9. DRDO is developing many state-of-the art technologies, some of these can be adopted for future disaster management solution. It may be noted that due to variations in geography and climates, India is susceptible to various calamities/disasters like earthquakes, floods, droughts, tsunamis, cyclones, landslides and avalanches which may be man-made or of natural origin. Apart from these, vulnerability to emergencies arising out of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) material also exists. Disaster management broadly comprises the pre-disaster phase which includes prevention, mitigation and preparedness, while the post-disaster phase includes response, rehabilitation, reconstruction and recovery. DRDO has in the past contributed to the various disaster management operations like Tsunami disaster in 2004, Uttarakhand flash floods in 2013 and J&K floods in 2014.

10. SAARC Regional Workshop on Sharing Best Practices on "Disaster Risk Reduction" inaugurated. He said that countries responding collectively are more important than responding individually. fund- mobilization is not an issue these days, which used to be for decades earlier.. Now different countries pledge funds in case of disasters. at the time of appraisal of a project, Disaster Risk Impact should be done along with the environment and social impact assessment. Our target should be to prevent the future risk and mitigate the existing risk. If the ‘recovery and reconstruction’ issue is addressed, less efforts will be required in future for response.

11. NITI Aayog has been given the mandate of developing a long-term “Integrated Energy Policy” for India.

Monday 23 November 2015

PIB 15

1. Prime Minister expressed hope for a positive outcome from the forthcoming COP-21 Summit that was equitable, balanced and guided by the principles and provisions of the UNFCC, especially the principle of common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities. It should also provide for enhanced technological, financial and capacity building support to the developing and Small Island Developing countries to enable them to take even more ambitious climate action.

2. IPRs are now being used not only as a tool to protect creativity and generate revenue but also to build strategic alliances for socio-economic and technological growth.

3. India is one of the leading producers of fish in the world, occupying the second position globally in terms of production. 21stNovember, 2014 we celebrated the World Fisheries Day for the first time in the country. Coming to Aquaculture, India is the second largest producer (42. 10 lakh tonnes) of fish from aquaculture which contributes about 6.3 per cent to global aquaculture production. Coming to Aquaculture, India is the second largest producer (42. 10 lakh tonnes) of fish from aquaculture which contributes about 6.3 per cent to global aquaculture production

4. India’s water challenges are complex and include quantity, allocation, quality and management issues. Increasing competition for water among industry, agriculture, energy, domestic use and the environment has highlighted the importance of managing water on a river basin, and multi- sectoral basis in a sustainable manner. The agricultural sector is currently India’s largest user of water, however, as urban and other demands multiply, less water is likely to be available in order to meet the nation's irrigation and individual needs. Therefore proper allocation – management of the demand and efficient measures are urgently needed. management at the river basin scale and integrated water management.

5. “India and Bangladesh recently settled their maritime boundary using the mechanism of UNCLOS. India hopes that all parties to the disputes in the South China Sea will abide by the Declaration on the Conduct on South China Sea and the guidelines on the implementation. Parties must also redouble efforts for early adoption of a Code of Conduct on the basis of consensus,” the Prime Minister said.

6. We have to delink religion from terror. The only distinction is between those who believe in humanity and those who do not.

7. correctly identify the beneficiaries, digitize the list with Aadhaar seeding. end-to-end computerization of TPDS operations and FPS automation, robust grievance redressal mechanism. The Government is providing both technical and financial support to enable the State Governments to computerize TPDS operations. Further, Central Government is also providing assistance in meeting expenditure on intra-State transport and handling of foodgrains and fair price shop dealers’ margin.

8. any government programme has to incorporate DRR(Disaster Risk Reduction) in their framework as a policy matter. Shri Kiren Rijiju, MoS (Home) inaugurates SAADMEx-2015. "South Asian Annual Disaster Management Exercise" (SAADMEx) – 2015

9. the approach was mostly project centric and sources based without much emphasis on the ecological and pollution aspects. This has resulted into water over-use, water pollution and unhealthy competition amongst multiple sectors. Therefore, proper allocation management of the demand and efficient measures for use are urgently needed”. India’s water management is becoming increasingly difficult task day by day due to increasing and competing demand from various sectors. increasing competition for water among industry, agriculture, energy, domestic use and the environment has highlighted the importance of managing water on a river basis and multi–sectoral basis in a sustainable manner. The Indo-European Water Forum will provide the platform for policy makers and stakeholders to discuss key issues surrounding water resources management in India, as well as transferring the lessons from the experience and implementation of European Water Policy.

Thursday 19 November 2015

PIB 14

1. in the Global Hunger Index 2015, which combines the three indicators of under-nourishment, child under-weight and child mortality, India is ranked 80th out of 104 countries. This is totally unacceptable. The President said time is ripe for new measures for sustainable intensification of agriculture. These include irrigation and continuous seed and breed improvement. Research needed to ascertain the dynamics of toxic elements in the soil-crop system and to develop appropriate mechanisms for bio-remediation for safe use of water. Steps to enhance water harvesting, water-use efficiency and conjunctive use of water are necessary. These would result in net increase in irrigation potential. Our policies must address water productivity in totality.

2. CCI Imposes Penalties Upon Airlines for Concerted Action in Fixing Fuel Surcharge (FSC) on Cargo Transport. resulted in indirectly determining the rates of air cargo transport. such conduct in the air cargo industry undermines economic development of the country and ultimately acts to the detriment of end-consumers.

3. the joint military exercise between India and Russia, INDRA-2015 is presently underway

4. Under Atal Mission, construction of storm water drains(considering water logging problem during floods) has been prioritized after provision of basic infrastructure relating to water supply and sewerage connections. Central assistance to the extent of 50% of project costs will be extended to cities with a population of below 10 lakhs each and one-third of project cost if the population is above ten lakhs.

5. Studies have indicated that one percentage growth in agriculture sector is two to three times more effective in reducing poverty than one percentage growth in other sectors. higher growth rate in agriculture through sustainable development. soil health card scheme, ‘Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana’, through ‘Pradhanmantri Gram Sinchai Yojana’; enhanced water efficiency through ‘Per Drop More Crop’ and continued support to employment guarantee schemes, creation of a unified national agriculture market to boost the incomes of farmers.

6. Confiscation of property of offenders not only serves as punishment but also discourages commission of crime. In fact, Kautilya in his ‘Artha Shastra,’ had suggested confiscation of illegitimate income as one of the punishments for corrupt public servants.

7. with diverse resource base, high literacy rates, huge hydel power potential, vast potential for promoting horticulture, flori-culture, organic crops, cross border trade, North-East could be enabled to rise to its potential through necessary reforms and by promoting private investments

8. Ken-Betwa river link project to impact Panna Tiger Reserve: EAC . The Environment Ministry gives green nod to 'A' category projects based on the recommendations of its Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC).

9. India needs innovation to tackle various challenges in the fields of Education, Health care, Financial Inclusion and Service delivery. We face the challenge of scalability and mass applicability of solutions to the problems of public concern. The solution lies in harnessing the digital revolution backed by innovations. The digital revolution has in a way decentralized governance.

10. the full potential of SAARC is yet to be realized. As I have often said, we can change our friends but not our neighbours. It is for us to decide if we want to live in a state of perpetual tension or develop together in an atmosphere of peace and harmony. We must look at a shared future leaving behind the divisions of the past.

11. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was one of the greatest saints of the Bhakti movement. He was responsible for the popularity of Vaishnavism in Bengal through his Kirtans, which were unparalleled in lyricism and beauty.

12. The Ministry for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has partnered with World Bank to strengthen States implementing skill training schemes through financial support

13. The Interlinking of Rivers Programme is critical for enhancing water and food security of the country especially in the water short, drought prone and rainfed farming areas. The Supreme Court in its judgment of February 27, 2012 has held the ILR programme to be in national interest and has directed for its early implementation. The Detailed Project Reports (DPR) of Ken – Betwa Link Project, Damanganga – Pinjal Link Project and Par-Tapi-Narmada link project have been completed. The various clearances in respect of Ken-Betwa link project, Phase-I are in the advanced stage of processing.

Monday 16 November 2015

PIB 13

1. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, our first Prime Minister used to repeatedly tell V. Shankar, the doyen of Indian Cartoonists, "Don’t spare me, Shankar”. He would often drive down to Shankar’s house for a cup of coffee and a chat about the subject of the cartoon. This open mindedness and appreciation of genuine criticism is one of the lovable traditions of our great nation, which we must preserve and strengthen.

2. Prestigious awards such as these are a public recognition, of talent, merit and hard work, by peers and leaders in the profession. Such awards should be cherished and valued by those who receive them. Sensitive minds sometimes get disturbed by some incidents in society. But, expression of concern over such events should be balanced. Emotions should not overrun reason, and disagreement should be expressed through debate and discussion.

3. The President said the media must act as a watchdog of public interest and give voice to the marginalized. Journalists must bring to public notice the array of ills and deprivations that continue to beset large number of our people. The power of the media should be used to reset our moral compass and promote liberalism, humanism and decency in public life. While opinion is free, facts should be sacred. Caution should be exercised in passing judgements, especially on matters where the due process of law is yet to be completed. We must never forget that careers and reputations take years to build but only minutes to demolish. He said the media fraternity of India are not only providers of news, but also educators who empower our citizens and strengthen the democratic framework of our country-President on the occasion of National Press Day Celebrations

4. The cartoonist captures the mood of the time and his art lies in being able to lampoon without hurting, caricature without distorting and to say with a few strokes of the brush what lengthy articles fail to express.

5. In its broadest sense, terrorism is any act designed to cause terror.[1] In a narrower sense, terrorism can be understood to feature a political objective. The word terrorism is politically loaded and emotionally charged. But, we also see the changing character of terrorism: global links, franchise relations, home-grown terrorism and use of cyber space for recruitment and propaganda. We don't have a comprehensive global strategy to combat terrorism. The world must speak in one voice and act in unison against terrorism, without any political considerations. International cooperation in intelligence and counter-terrorism should increase.

5. Agriculture continues to remain a major sector of the Indian economy. It contributes to 60 per cent of employment and continues to be the primary source of living for 70 per cent of the population. Technological progress in agriculture is, therefore, crucial for the overall economic development of the country.

6. Amur Falcons, which come to roost every year at Doyang lake(Nagaland)during their flight from Mongolia to South Africa. Until recently, Naga tribesmen used to hunt thousands of Amur falcons for meat. But last year, after a vigorous campaign by wildlife activists, they pledged to protect the bird and since then, not a single bird has been hunted in the area.

7. The Mega Food Park will have strong backward linkage and three Primary Processing Centres (PPCs) will be set up at Medchal, Medak and Nalgonda. The timely completion of this Mega Food Park project will not only provide a big boost in the growth of food processing infrastructure in Telangana but also help in providing better prices to farmers, reduce wastage of perishables, add value to agricultural produce and create huge opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment in the State.

8. The Government has declared the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang), NSCN (K), all its formations and front organizations as a terrorist organization under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967.

9. Under the Policy every Central Government Ministries, Departments and Public Sector Undertakings shall procure minimum of 20 per cent of their total annual value of goods or services from Micro and Small Enterprises.

10. to address the existing duplicity of mandate between Mentor Councils and Sector Skill Councils. Presently, any individual skilled in short term courses being imparted under various schemes of the Government of India finds it difficult to move ahead in his/her journey in vocational education. However, with the establishment of Sector Mentor Committees, all existing curricula in short-term and long-term skill competency based courses would be aligned with corresponding National Occupation Standards (NOSs), Qualification Packs (QPs) and National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF).

11. significance of linking skills with entrepreneurship to enable a constructive framework bridging the existing gap between skills and employment. MUDRA and other financial scheme. Quoting the World Bank Study which mentions that only 5168 patents were granted in India as compared with 172113 in China, shri Rudy urged young individuals to look at the challenges and build innovative solutions to address them

Sunday 15 November 2015

PIB 12

1. Civil society is seen as a social sphere separate from both the state and the market.

2. Article 39A of the Constitution gives mandate to offer free legal services for the poor. Remembering Late Justice V.R.Krishna Ayyar’s belief that “Society is guilty if anyone suffers unjustly.” Goal 16 of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which is dedicated to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels. One of the first steps taken towards this goal would be to address the issue of the 68% of under trial prisoners lodged in various prisons. The Government joins hands with NALSA towards addressing this issue.

3. The Union Cabinet approved the Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojana, UDAY in its meeting last week, newly unveiled debt restructuring plan for DISCOMs.UDAY provides for the financial turnaround and revival of Power Distribution companies (DISCOMs). the weakest link in the power value chain is distribution, wherein DISCOMs in the country have accumulated losses. Discoms were trapped in a vicious cycle with operational losses being funded by debt. The new scheme UDAY lays thrust on four initiatives for financial turnaround of Discoms. (i) Improving operational efficiencies of DISCOMs; (ii) Reduction of cost of power; (iii) Reduction in interest cost of DISCOMs; (iv) Enforcing financial discipline on DISCOMs through alignment with State finances. The energy efficiency under UDAY would be achieved by reduction in interest rate, reduction in aggregate technical and commercial losses, increase in coal availability, improving billing and collection efficiency, and better demand side management

4. Paris agreement to be based on equity and Common But Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR & RC). We strongly believe that there can be no Action Holiday in the pre-2020 period. While post-2020 Finance has to be predictable and scaled up from USD 100 Billion onwards, The commitment to provide finance by developed countries is based on their historical responsibilities and not only on their economic capacities. Any attempts, therefore, to enlarge the donor base by ‘countries in a position to do so’ or ‘countries willing to do so’, will not be appropriate from our perspective.

5. 6th Asian Ministerial Energy Roundtable:the issue of equitable access to affordable energy; only then can the growth be termed as truly inclusive. Unfortunately, a vast cross-section of India’s population still does not have access to energy simply on account of lack of purchasing power. I believe that an opportune time has now come when this “Energy Poverty” must give way to “Energy Justice”. In order to do so, the oil suppliers must make earnest efforts for a Responsible & Reasonable Pricing which will be sustainable. He also reiterated the demand to end the practice of charging “Asian Premium” and instead provide “Asian Dividend” to countries like India. He advocated that to achieve a more stable oil market large buyers and large sellers of oil need to develop mutual investment linkages.

6. The objective behind abolition of interviews for such posts is that it will curb corruption, ensure more objective selection in a transparent manner and substantially ease the problems of the poor and resourceless aspirants. This will not only enable giving more weightage to the merit but also supplement the government’s resolve for “Maximum Governance, Minimum Government”.

7. Implementation framework given 30% weightage, Result orientation-20%, Citizen participation-16%, smartness of solutions-10%, SWOT analysis based strategic plan-10%.second stage of ‘City Challenge Competition’

8. To stimulate growth, we need to enhance public investments, not just rely on monetary policy. G20 efforts must be aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, adopted this year, particularly with the number one goal of elimination of all poverty by 2030.

9.Manipur has a literacy rate of over 79 per cent which is higher than the average all-India literacy rate. But, in spite of this, its per capita income is lower than the average per capita income at all-India level. One of the reasons for this, he said, is inadequate utilization of the State’s human and non-human resources, as a result of which, there is a mass exodus of youth to other parts of the country and the vast woman potential also remains under-utilized in spite of the level of female emancipation and literacy being higher in comparison to other States of the country.

10. India and Bangladesh signed the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in New Delhi today, to operationalize the “Agreement on Coastal Shipping” signed between the two countries in June, 2015. Rapid growth in bilateral trade between India and Bangladesh has led to congestion on the road at Indo-Bangladesh border and at the Land Custom Stations/integrated Check Posts.  The traffic congestion at “Petrapole” and “Benapole” on the Bangladesh side has emerged as one of the biggest impediments to the movement of EXIM cargo. Due to such congestion, the exporters/importers on both sides have been facing undue increase in the transportation cost. The present connectivity through sea route with Bangladesh is through ports of Colombo and Singapore. The long sea route adds significantly to the transportation costs of EXIM trade. There is no significant cargo movement between sea ports of Bangladesh and India as it is not profitable for the big vessels to operate between these sea ports.  Under such circumstances there is a need for smaller ships to provide direct connectivity of eastern sea ports of India with Chittagong and other ports in Bangladesh. This, besides improving the connectivity will also provide competitive freight rates.

Saturday 7 November 2015

PIB 11

1. what is urgently needed is a binding Code of Conduct (CoC) to replace the voluntary 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DoC).

2. He mentioned the PRAGATI interactions with various Ministries and States that he chairs every month, to resolve issues in pending projects

3. cyber security needs to be ensured for the success of the initiatives taken by the Prime Minister, such as Digital India, Make in India and Smart Cities. The crimes related to cyber world can be multi-layered, multi-location, multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-legal, that’s why it is difficult to investigate and reach to the criminal. The Cyber security experts need to be alert specially towards the ‘online radicalization’,

4. NITI Aayog has been tasked with preparing the draft Nutrition Strategy by the end of December 2015, in consultation with both the concerned ministries, sectoral experts, States and other relevant stakeholders.

5. The objective of the Gold Monetization Scheme  to make gold as a productive asset so that people can earn interest on deposit. Any Entities participating in Gold monetization Scheme can earn up to 2.50 per cent interest rate on their idle gold. The long-term objective of the scheme is to reduce the country's reliance on the import of gold to meet domestic demand and to give a boost to the Indian economy. The mobilized gold will also supplement RBI’s gold reserves and help in reducing the government's borrowing cost.  It will also provide a fillip to the gems and jewellery sector in the country by making gold available as raw material on loan from the banks. In fiscal year 2014-15, gems and jewellery constituted 12 per cent of India's total exports and the value of gold items alone was more than about 13 billion dollars.

6. focus was being given on sectors such as Pharma/ IT/ ITES/Gems & Jewellery/ Textiles/ Fruits & Vegetables/ meat Exports etc to improve India’s exports to China. China has been making efforts to stall India’s exports through non-tariff barriers such as Phytosanitary stipulations, standardisation issues etc.

7. Government decides to impose a Swachh Brarat Cess at the rate of 0.5% on all serviceS presently liable to service tax, with effect from 15th November 2015; Proceeds from this cess to be exclusively used for Swachh Bharat initiatives

8. The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) is an apex Institute engaged in promotion of entrepreneurship and development of micro and small enterprises through different interventions of training, research, incubation, consultancy etc.

9. Taking forward what Prof. C.N.R. Rao had said on 4th November, I would like to make a suggestion – let us segregate the initiatives which do not require any funds and are within the control of the institutions themselves from the ones which need additional funding. Some of these are regular up-dation and revision of the curriculum, improving the quality of teaching by adopting new methods, imparting education that will build the character and value system of the students, better maintenance and utilization of the existing infrastructure, etc. For the new initiatives which need additional funds, I am sure reasonable demands will be met by the MHRD. To produce good quality research and meet the acute shortage of faculty, we have to give a further push to the award of PhDs. While I do see intensification of the involvement of alumni in the governance structure of the CHEIs,  there is still a need to widen the area of interaction through sponsored research, endowment, setting up of chairs, donations, and in catalysing faculty recruitment. The progress made in setting up centres of excellence is slow. However, a welcome development in this area is that the central ministries are now coming forward to fund centres of excellence to address the needs of sector-specific technologies. The state governments are also showing interest in setting up such centres.  Innovator, entrepreneur and financier are the three crucial players of an innovation eco-system. I am grateful to all the CHEIs for their overwhelming response to my call for setting up innovation clubs and incubators, industry interface cells, inspired teachers network and community development cells. In the context of “Start-up India, Stand-up India”, entrepreneurship acquires a new dimension. Our institutes of higher learning must have a governance mechanism that supports growth, collaboration and innovation.

10. The Union Cabinet has approved a new program titled Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) in Higher Education. Objective: To arrange Guest Lectures by international renowned experts. we could think of launching of Global Research Interactive Network (GRIN) as follow up to GIAN for funding research collaborations.

11. We have received some very good suggestions on the engagement of CHEIs with the community and society for sustainable and inclusive development. Some of the suggestions made include   i.            Assigning students to teach in nearby government schools for at least 12 hours annually or one hour per month. Given the student base at the tertiary level, this could potentially create 35 crore teaching hours. Besides helping to mitigate the existing shortage of teachers at primary and secondary levels, it will create in the minds of students a desire to enter the teaching profession ii.            Students may be deployed to undertake community-based projects to uplift the condition of people residing in nearby areas. iii.            Students may study and identify problems faced by villages in the vicinity. Inter-disciplinary teams can then work on innovative solutions which blend modern technology to local practice.

12. Kashmiriyat, Jamhooriyat (democracy), Insaniyat.

13. the Minister appreciated the efforts put in by all the State Education Ministers in achieving hundred per cent result in constructing separate toilet for boys and girls in schools during a period of one year.

14. The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 has created Legal Services Institutions at the National, State, District and Taluk Levels to provide Legal Services to the marginalized sections of the society in order to ensure that they are able to avail their rights and entitlements. Apart from providing court related services, the Legal Services Institutions are also mandated to undertake awareness programmes and preventive and strategic legal aid programmes.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

PIB 10

1. India has offered the Duty Free Tariff Preferences (DFTP) scheme for LDCs which provides duty free market access on over 95% of tariff lines. Indian business could look at Africa for their investments and in-turn look at India for their market using the DFTP. Government of India has been encouraging services cooperation with the African Nations. Africa has the potential for development of Tourism, Healthcare, Hospitality and ICT sectors.

2. Government has decided to set up a National Tribal Advisory Council for effecting monitoring and implementation of various tribal welfare schemes. need for more effective community participation for the success of various tribal welfare schemes.

3. Till Date About 93 Per Cent of the Adult Residents in India Aquired Unique Identity – Aadhaar on Their own Volition. To achieve universal Aadhaar coverag a strategic policy tool for social and financial inclusion, increasing convenience and promoting hassle-free people-centric governance, the UIDAI is now focusing on Child enrolment, besides mopping up remaining person.

4. Government to issue Sovereign Gold Bonds with effect from 26th November, 2015; Bonds to be sold through banks and designated post offices. The borrowing through issuance of the Bond will form part of market borrowing programme of Government of India.

5. the theme of the Delhi High Court’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations is ‘JUSTICE FOR ALL’. For justice to have meaning for the people, it must be accessible, affordable and quick. Access to justice for the poorest of the poor would ensure ‘Justice for all’. An affordable judicial system is a must for a country having many citizens at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid. Quick delivery of justice is the third in the trinity of an effective judicial system, the other two being accessibility and affordability. Delay in administering justice is as good as denial. He emphasized that technology solutions can fasten the process of justice and make it easier for the litigants as well.

6. easier availability of land was crucial to realising the dream of affordable housing.  "It is not cheaper availability of land - it is easier availability. If we complicate procedures too much, then we will be preventing people from acquiring affordable homes

7. India is keen to intensify its hydrocarbon cooperation with the African countries on upstream,midstream and downstream areas.Indian Public Sector oil and gas companies have invested about US$ 8 billion in oil and gas assets in Mozambique, Sudan and South Sudan.

8. India is a country of 1.3 billion people belonging to three ethnic groups - Caucasian, Dravidian and Mongoloid - speaking 122 languages and 1,600 dialects, and professing 7 faiths. Our country has thrived due to its power of assimilation and tolerance.

9. Aadishilp' organised by Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd. (TRIFED) at Dilli Haat will be open till November 11, 2015. Unique and exquisite tribal artefacts of more than 90 tribal artisans from all over the country are being exhibited in this Exhibition. Hand crafted items, handloom products, dry flowers, cane and bamboo products, tribal jewellery, Dhokra craft, tribal weaves, embroidery, tribal paintings and lot more is being exhibited at the venue.

Monday 2 November 2015

Famous quotes 8

Education is the knowledge of the self

Knowledge without action is meaningless-Mimansa Philosophy

Free speech is the basis of modern civilization and there is no compromise with it-Voltaire

Nations that forget history are bound to lose the power to create it-Anonymous

The total commitment on any issue is practically impossible and plurality of opinion is to be observed in order to seek truth- Mahatma Gandhi

My notion of democracy is that the weakest shall have the same opportunity as the strongest-Mahatma Gandhi

Indian democracy is predicated on Madisonian model of democracy wherein the primacy of minority rights is to be respected without which democracy is unfulfilled

Andrie Sakharov, Russian scientist and dissident said “ From Tape recorder to semiconductors, all innovation have come from the west and nothing from Soviet Union.” The then President did not listen to him and this was one of the reasons why he was imprisoned for six years in 1979.

Voltaire had famously said, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it.” 

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty-Thomas Jefferson

Charity begins at home and so does responsibility.

Friday 30 October 2015

Where the mind is without fear-Tagore

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

Tuesday 27 October 2015


1. Signing of a treaty between India and Maldives on Mutual Legal Assistance in criminal matters. The Treaty aims to enhance effectiveness of both countries in investigation and prosecution of crime, through cooperation and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. transnational crime and its linkages to terrorism, funds meant to finance terrorist acts.

2. The amendment has been made recently in the Central Order under Essential Commodities Act to enable States to impose stock limits on pulses sourced from imports, held by exporters, large food processing units as well as large departmental retailers.

3. Corruption affects the growth of a nation, reduces the Government’s income and creates inequalities in distribution of income and wealth. It is a major factor hindering development. Corruption needs to be treated like a disease and focus should be on prevention. Commission has adopted the theme of “Preventive Vigilance as a tool of Good Governance” for the current year. The measures adopted for Preventive Vigilance would help not only reduce corruption but also contribute towards good governance by way of increasing efficiency, transparency and adherence to rule of law.

4. Indian Navy’s continuous presence and pro-active focussed operations in deterring piracy attempts off the Gulf of Aden which resulted in the recent decision by CGPCS to shift the eastern limit of High Risk Area from 78 Degrees East to 65 Degrees East. Incidentally there has been no hijacking of Indian owned ship since 2008, indigenous component in fight category needs to be increased esp. in submarine construction. Challenges pertaining to human resource development in the Navy, which are unique due to high levels of technical skills required to operate complex, state-of-the-art ships, submarines and deck launched fighter aircraft,

5. developed world had pledged $100 billion (Green Climate Fund), but that has not materialised. “Now the developed world is presenting that they have mobilised $62 billion. But Shri Arun Jaitley was forthright in Lima by telling them that this was double accounting and that this was not acceptable.

6. the ‘right to be forgotten’ incorporated by the European Court of Human Rights, which empowered the state authority to remove the reference of the aggrieved person from internet citing citizen’s right to privacy.

7. the biggest hurdle in attracting investments, tourism and entrepreneurship in Northeast is the lack of adequate connectivity.

8.Police reforms: Increase in the number of specialized in-service training courses especially related to cyber-crimes, terrorism, financial frauds, use of technology in investigations etc. Indian Police to meet the challenges of the increasing diversity of crimes on the one hand and the rising public expectations on the other. This is sought to be achieved through training, research, and modernisation of the police forces.

9. 85 urban local bodies have developed their own websites and 30 have launched Face Book pages besides being active on to enlist ideas from citizens for formulation of smart city plans. “This is clearly a leap forward on the part of the urban local bodies which were known for their isolated, insulated, non-responsive, non-interactive and non-citizen friendly governance till recently”

10. key challenges in promoting housing stock in urban areas : shortage of land supply in urban areas, stringent land use regulations, inadequate infrastructure to support high density, high cost of construction materials, insufficient financing, restricted mortgage financing and rent control laws. The Minister urged the states to consider waiving or reducing stamp duty, registration fees, land conversion fee and other such duties to promote affordable housing projects.

11. He said that Affordable Housing and Habitat Policies of states should focus on: -Evolving state specific models since one size fits all policy does not work; -Affordable housing as a part of larger eco-system (habitat); -Ensuring required social and physical infrastructure connectivity; -Providing linkages with transportation and livelihoods; -Promoting private sector investments in a big way; -Availability of land and finance and -Promotion of appropriate cost effective and sustainable construction technologies. Shri Venkaiah Naidu gave a detailed account of initiatives by the government for developing construction industry including tax incentives, Credit Risk Guarantee Fund for low income housing, relaxation of FDI norms, allowing External Commercial Borrowings for affordable housing, setting up Real Estate Investment Trusts etc. t over 31 % of country’s population is living in urban areas which account only for 3.10% of country’s geographical areas making land in urban areas a scarce resource.

12. HRIDAY:The action plans approved broadly seek to conserve and develop core heritage assets of respective cities besides improving sanitation through solid waste management, easy access through signages and better mobility, interpretation centres, landscaping, provision of green spaces etc.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Famous Quotes 7

 Forgveness does not change our past, but it relieves our future-Anonymous

 My attitude to peace is not just end to violence but an end to inequality, poverty and all other factors  that threaten peace-Aang Suu Kyi

 Too much self-centred attitude brings loneliness, fear, anger and suffering-The Dalai Lama

 The true measure of a society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members-Gandhi

 When in despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won-Gandhi

 Foreign and defence policy essentially has to be about the obtaining and management of influence-Lord   Carrington

 Niskham Karmayoga, Karmaphala siddhanta, Indriya nigraha, Sarva Dharma Sambhava, Vashudheva Kutumbakam, Atithi devo bhava, stithaprajnata(in Gita)

 No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of members are poor and miserable-Adam Smith

While addressing the constituent assembly in 1947, Nehru had said “ This achievement (independence) is but a step, an opening of opportunity, to the great triumphs and achievements that await us…the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity

Vruksh ho bhale khade,
ho ghane ho bade,
Ek Patra chhah bhi mang mat, mang mat, mang mat,
Agnipath, Agnipath Agnipath;

Tu naa thakega kabhi,
Tu naa thakega kabhi,
Tu naa thakega kabhi,
Kar sapath,kar sapath,kar sapath,
(There may be huge, warm and shady trees all around)
(Don't even ask the shade of a single leaf)
(Walk on the Path of Fire, Walk on the Path of Fire)

Tuesday 20 October 2015


1. the impacts of climate change are not just global in scope and unprecedented in scale but more severely affect poor & marginalized people.

2. increasing burden of frivolous RTIs need to be addressed. Many states including the North East states stated that training is required for the staff in the public authorities who have to handle the RTI applications. The infrastructure support to bridge the digital divide is required to achieve the aim of transparency through technology. lack of clarity of the legal standing of the right to privacy, a balance is needed between the public domain and the privacy issue while implementing the RTI Act.

3. two major developments, which has impacted the promotion of handicrafts: The level of education has gone up, there being educated youth in most artisan families,Internet and other IT based interventions have bridged the gap between urban and rural areas with digital connectivity. a new strategy, which has four broad components:
        i.  Infrastructure development, such as a Common Facility Centre in every cluster
      ii.  Development of design and training, through schemes under Office of DC (Handicrafts)
    iii.  Direct assistance to artisans, such as online assistance through their bank accounts
    iv.   Linking up with market with participation of private sector
efforts are on to provide more financial assistance to start-up entrepreneurs and to link Self-Help Groups with export groups. He also spoke about the efforts to link handicrafts with tourism and fashion.

4. the steps already taken and those underway by the Center and states to improve investment climate in the country. the emphasis mainly was on the measures to improve the Ease of Doing Business, opening up of the economy, the FDI in insurance and defence, auctions in coal and mineral mines, skill development, infrastructure, labour market reforms and modern bankruptcy law.

5. the government has accepted the recommendations of the Finance Commission on increased devolution of funds to the States in the hope that the states will be able to commit necessary additional resources for meeting the objectives of the social sector schemes. However, clarity is needed on the cost-sharing pattern for various social sector schemes  so that the contribution of central and state share to all schemes could be suitably rationalised in view of the increased devolution.

6.research and evidence–based policing in India and to avoid subjectivity, personal biases and errors in decision-making. Inauguraton of the Indian Police Foundation and the Indian Police Institute

7. 70% of its total population below the age of 35 years,Udaan, the Special Industry Initiative (SII) for J&K is funded by Ministry of Home Affairs and implemented by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). training in local surveys and mapping which could make these youth employable by a host of different hydro and power projects running in the Doda district.

8. Swacchh Bharat Campaign cannot Happen without Wholehearted Participation of Municipal/Civic Corporations, Gram Panchayats. In case of disposal of effluents on land or river or any water body including coastal water / creek or a drain, the treated effluents shall meet the standards. At the inlet and outlet of the sewage treatment plant, online monitoring devices should be installed to monitor the consented parameters.

Friday 16 October 2015


1. The Commission had also stated that expenditure sensitive areas and persons likely to be associated with such Hawala operations must be identified and mapped.

2. Indian Navy has also been involved in capacity building and capability enhancement of friendly navies in the Indian Ocean Region, besides providing assistance in hydrographic survey, search and rescue and improving maritime domain awareness. evacuation of over 3000 Indians and citizens from 35 other countries from strife-ridden Yemen in April this year.

3. GST seeks to subsume many indirect taxes at the Central and State level. The proposed dual GST envisages taxation of the same taxable event, i.e., supply of goods and services, simultaneously by both the Centre and the States.

4. GIM, one of the eight Missions outlined under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), acknowledges the influence that forests have on environmental amelioration though climate change mitigation, food security, water security, biodiversity conservation and livelihood security of forest dependent communities.

5. The Commission is addressing the emerging issues of human rights violations relating to bonded and child labour, right to clean environment, right to health, rights of prisoners and rights of women among other related human right issues.

6. Central Government has provisioned Rs.50,000 cr towards central assistance under Atal Mission for five years. state governments and urban local bodies are required to contribute equal amount as their share with States making a minimum contribution of 20% of project costs.

7. The Indian Nuclear Insurance Pool (INIP) will cover the operators’ liability under the CLND Act, 2010 and adequately address the liability related concerns of national as well as international suppliers,

8. The Ministry has so far identified 497 cities and towns under Atal Mission under which basic infrastructure is to be developed in 500 cities and towns.

9. The Kaladan Multi Modal Transit Transport Project was jointly identified by the India and Myanmar to create a multi-modal mode of transport for shipment of cargo from the eastern ports of India to Myanmar as well as to the North-Eastern part of India through Myanmar. expected to contribute to the economic development of the North-Eastern States of India, by opening up the sea route for the products. It also provides a strategic link to the North-East, thereby reducing pressure on the Siliguri Corridor.

10. the Ministry of Power has taken up village electrification programme on Mission mode under the flagship scheme of Government of India 'Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana' (DDUGJY).

11. India has always stood beside Palestine. India's policy on Palestine has three core dimensions: solidarity with the Palestinian people; support to the Palestinian cause; and, partnership in Palestine's nation and capacity building efforts. India would like to see the people of Palestine living within secure and recognized borders, side by side and at peace with Israel, as endorsed in the Arab Peace Initiative, the Quartet road map and relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

12. "Right To Information" Act as a tool through which the common man has got not just the right to know, but also the right to question those in power. "Digital India" initiative is complimentary to RTI, because putting information online brings transparency, which in turn, builds trust. administrative processes should be run based on trusting the people, rather than doubting the people.

Saturday 10 October 2015


1. We must remain true to our core civilizational values, says President-plurality, diversity and cultivating tolerance.

2. various sensitization projects launched by RAF on Swachh Bharat, ecological preservation,communal peace and social harmony and various other innovations on renewable energy and environmental education etc,apart from tackling various communal riots, riotous situations securing various mammoth religious congregations, rescue and relief operations.

3. The purpose of Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) is to (i) ensure that every household has access to a tap with assured supply of water and a sewerage connection; (ii) increase the amenity value of cities by developing greenery and well maintained open spaces (parks); and (iii) reduce pollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities for non-motorized transport (e.g. walking and cycling). Under Atal Mission, central government provides assistance up to 50% of projects for cities with a population of up to 10 lakhs and one third of project cost for cities with population of above 10 lakhs.

4. India remains committed to ensuring freedom of navigation in the global commons and strengthening maritime security in the region especially in the East Arabian Sea. Towards this, Indian Naval ships and aircraft continue to escort merchant ships of all nations in the Gulf of Aden.

5. Recalling former Prime Minister Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee’s famous remarks that we can change friends but not our neighbours, Shri Rajnath Singh said the Government in the very beginning extended a hand of friendship by inviting leaders of all SAARC countries for the swearing in ceremony.

6. resource flow under ODA should not be counted against climate change finance and any form of double counting under both climate finance and ODA should be avoided. IMF would be constrained in meeting its obligations if the IMF Quota and governance reforms are not implemented.

7. The National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) has been organizing National Lok Adalats. that are at pre-litigation stage and also those pending in courts for their settlement.

8. Shri Pradhan launched two very important Digital India initiatives which will truly empower consumers and bring much needed convenience. These are ‘online booking’ of LPG cylinders with ‘online payment’ facility for those who want to use the web and for those who wish to pay at the time of delivery, option to pay by debit/credit card through POS available with the deliveryman. These initiatives will truly help consumers when carrying cash is becoming a thing of the past.

Wednesday 7 October 2015


1. India’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution: To reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 per cent by 2030 from 2005 level. India to create additional Carbon Sink of 2.5 to 3 Billion Tonnes of Co2 Equivalent through Additional Forest and Tree Cover by 2030. India to Anchor a Global Solar Alliance

2. Urban transport policy-focus on Mass Rapid Transit Systems, The switch from Bharat Stage IV (BS IV) to Bharat Stage V (BS V) and Bharat Stage VI (BS VI) to improve fuel standards across the country is also planned for the near future.

3. The range of ecosystem goods and services provided by forests include carbon sequestration and storage. Despite the significant opportunity costs, India is one of the few countries where forest and tree cover has increased in recent years and the total forest and tree cover amounts to 24% percent of the geographical area of the country. Over the past two decades progressive national forestry legislations and policies of India have transformed India’s forests into a net sink of CO2. With its focus on sustainable forest management, afforestation and regulating diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose, India plans to increase its carbon stock. Government of India’s long term goal is to increase its forest cover through a planned afforestation drive which includes number of programmes and initiatives like Green India Mission, green highways policy, financial incentive for forests, plantation along rivers, REDD-Plus & Other Policies and Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority. For the first time devolution of funds to states from the federal pool will be based on a formula that attaches 7.5 % weight to the area under forest.

4. The prime objective of the Sagarmala project is to promote port-led direct and indirect development and to provide infrastructure to transport goods to and from ports quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.

5. KISAN Project-envisages use of Space Technology and geoinformatics (GIS, GPS and Smartphone) technology  needed for crop insurance programme-a pilot project in select districts.

6. Despite the uncertain Monsoon, Government food management, including use of the price stabilization fund to augment domestic supplies with imports, will ensure that food inflation is contained. We are in the process of setting-up a National Infrastructure Investment Fund (NIIF) that will channelize both domestic and foreign resources to satisfy the infrastructure needs of our economy.

7. Union Health Minister launches phase-2 of Mission Indradhanush in 352 districts targeting full immunization

8. Government to train 10,000 “barefoot” technicians in civil engineering for better execution of MGNREGA works in 2,500 most backward blocks: Birender Singh. Similarly, to improve maintenance of the large PMGSY rural roads network

9. unauthorized mining activities going on in river Ganga at Bijnor leading to change in river hydrology and resulting in soil erosion as well as impinging upon the conservation of endangered aquatic species.

Friday 2 October 2015


1. the primary goal of India’s external engagement has been to seek peace and stability, enabling a supportive environment for pursuing our nation’s multifarious development needs. This approach of foreign policy for economic progress and development is nowhere more relevant than in our South Asian neighbourhood and the extended neighbourhood, including Central Asia. The President said South Asian neighbours are India’s highest priority in keeping with its neighbourhood first policy. Our approach to South Asia has always been one of seeking shared prosperity and security. three Cs – greater connectivity, closer cooperation and broader contacts. Despite geographical contiguity, the promise of regional integration has eluded us and undermined the goals of SAARC, solemnly adopted at Summit level meetings. Hence, India must push ahead with sub-regional cooperation such as through the BBIN Growth Quadrangle and pursue its bilateral ties with like-minded countries in the region in areas such as Road Transport, Energy and Water Resources.

2. India needs to make full use of the opportunities offered by the recent Iranian nuclear deal which opens the possibility of establishing connectivity with the region through the development of Chahbahar Port in Iran. This also opens up the possibility of implementing the International North South Corridor for a competitive and quick route to Eurasia for India.

3. India’s future dependence on imported energy, mainly oil and gas, is a stark reality that will also require creative and diversifying sources of supply. The Central Asian States have considerable surplus and the TAPI pipeline project is worth pursuing both for sourcing energy supplies and its collateral geo-strategic benefits. The Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline can also be revived since Iran has already built the section of the pipeline in its territory. Such energy projects could also prove to be game changers for geo-strategic stability.

4. . Shri Parrikar said while we have achieved significant indigenisation in ‘Float’ component of warships, we are lacking in the indigenization of the high-end Fight components.

5. All countries need to respect differentiation as a principle to deliver climate justice to the developing world. The genesis of Differentiation lies in principle of historical responsibility, polluter pays, and equity.

6. There is a need to sensitize various strata of the society towards the challenges being faced by the elderly people. It is important that institutions to provide geriatric care be established, strengthened and made more affordable for the common man. we must encourage in the younger lot the ability and keenness to facilitate ageing in their own homes. in India, the problem is compounded by two issues. One, the Indian society is undergoing rapid transformation under the impact of industrialization, urbanization and globalization. Consequently, the traditional values and institutions are changing, resulting in the weakening of inter-generational ties. The second issue is that nearly 90 percent of the elderly have worked in the informal sector and do not receive any post–retirement social security coverage, like pensions and medical assistance. Well-being of older persons has been mandated in the Constitution of India. Article 41, a Directive Principle of State Policy, provides that the State shall, within the limits of its economic capacity and development, make effective provision for securing the right of public assistance in cases of old age. Social security has been made the concurrent responsibility of the Central and State Governments. Very few Government hospitals in India that have specialized geriatrics facilities. Bolivia, a country with resource constraints, ranks much higher than India in the global index for elderly careWhile Government supported public social networks and safety nets are essential, we also need to look at how the elderly can continue contributing to the society longer. New research on productivity of elder workers shows that while the older workers were as productive in similar tasks as their younger colleagues, they actually commanded a higher premium price in certain skill based jobs. The thrust should be to identify the more vulnerable among the older persons - the poor, the disabled, the infirm, the chronically sick and those without family support, and provide welfare services to them on a priority basis. Voluntary organizations, such as HelpAge India, need to be encouraged and assisted.

7. The Minister also suggested to the Chief Secretary to examine the Japanese model of burning municipal solid waste without environmental consequences in view of limited availability of land for dumping such waste.

Wednesday 30 September 2015


1. UN will carry greater credibility and legitimacy and will be more representative and effective in addressing the challenges of the 21st century. Trends in demography, urbanization and migrations are posing new challenges. Climate change and terrorism are new concerns. Cyber and Space are entirely new frontiers of opportunities and challenges.

2. every district must have its own skill based program. Prior to this one will have to perceive the facts that what are the small industries in vogue in a district and to know the aspirations of education among people living in district level.

3. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was a success for the first commitment period ending in 2012. Demand-supply mismatch and low ambition for emission reduction expressed by developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol is a major cause for the slowdown of the well-established CDM market thereafter. In addition, the unilateral decision taken by some countries to restrict the benefits of CDM to Least Developed Countries (LDCs) only, and not to other developing countries like India, has further reduced the confidence in the Market mechanism. The real issue is how to make available the critical technologies for the developing world at an affordable cost. To this end, India is proposing that part of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) should be used for this purpose, which will be a win-win proposal for all the stakeholders”

4. the current grid is not designed for carrying the 175 GigaWatts (GW) of renewable energy that India is targeting, and therefore a complimentary effort is required on the grid side. Kochi Airport becoming a solar-powered airport,

5. the State of Mizoram has a very bright opportunity to develop itself and earn the distinction of being a “Bamboo State” of the Indian Union. He said, the high level of production of bamboo from Mizoram can turn out to be a major source of not only furniture but also paper to the rest of the country. This could not only help generate revenue for the State but also create job opportunities for youth outside the State-skill development initiatives

6. the National Forest Policy envisages 33% of the geographical area should be under forest or tree cover, but the notified forest cover is only about 22%. The implementation of new Green Highways Policy can help in bridging this gap

Thursday 24 September 2015

PIB report 2

1. Disaster Management should not only involve relief operation, rescue, rehabilitation, reconstruction but also strike the root cause of it and prevent the disaster. That is where the research should be precise. Shri Rijiju appealed the private sector to take part in the Disaster Management. The country has understood how to deal with disaster management and disaster preparedness and we have to integrate the same with the research.

2. Parrikar Asks DRDO to Focus on Core Defence Technology Areas. close interface of DRDO with Navy in developing technology products is well matured. DRDO should now develop similar level of interface with Army and IAF.

3. Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yonaja (PMKKKY). This is the new programme meant to provide for the welfare of areas and people affected by mining related operations. The most productive mining areas in the country are largely areas inhabited by scheduled tribes. They also are mainly located in the areas covered by the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution. The PMKKKY is, therefore, very sharply focused on safeguarding the health, environment and economic conditions of the tribals and providing them with opportunities to benefit from the vast mineral resources that are extracted from the areas where they live. The PMKKKY envisions to substantially raising the all-round standard of living of mining affected people by utilising 60% of its fund for sustained high priority areas like drinking water supply, health care, education etc. and the balance amount for creating a supportive and conducive infrastructural environment. Also District Mineral Foundation. Planned development of Mineral Sector in India is need of the hour. One big shortcoming in our mining sector has been very small scale of exploration. To overcome this, we have established National Mineral Exploration Trust. To achieve our common goal of sustainable and inclusive growth, government, planners, policymakers, mining industry, technology suppliers, service providers and communities will have to work together.

4. 100 smart cities which would include in its blueprint adequate provisions for power generation, usage of renewables and energy efficiency technologies, comprehensive waste management programme; usage of waste to energy technologies etc.

5. Collaboration in the area of fracking of shale gas, especially water less fracking in India were identified as areas of future cooperation under the Energy Dialogue. challenges of greening the grid, i.e., to integrate large scale renewable energy sources into the electricity grid. off-grid clean energy access, The Indian delegation urged the US to share technology related to supercritical coal plants as well as share best practices and tools to improve efficiency and carbon footprint of existing power plants.

6.The key to “Good Governance”, said Dr. Jitendra Singh, lies in reducing red-tapism, expediting procedures through electronic and digital means, riddance from rules which are obstructionist and providing an environment which enables officers to perform their best.

7. The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) is a significant initiative by the Government to secure bank finance to the vast segment of the population occupied in the informal sector which does not have access to formal bank credit and is forced to rely on informal sources of finance at high cost.

8. The water storage available in 91 major reservoirs of the country as on September 23, 2015 was 95.313 BCM, which is 60% of total storage capacity of these reservoirs.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Famous quotes 6

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing (Edmund Burke)

The punishment suffered by the wise who refuse to take part in government, is to suffer under the government of bad men (-Plato)

Righteousness is the foundation of good governance and peace. (Confucius)

Man himself must become righteous and then only there shall be righteousness in the world.

Be the change you wish to see in the world (Gandhi)

The line separating good and evil passes not between states nor between classes… but through the middle of every human heart. (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)

Law should be so succinct that it can be carried in the pocket of the coat and it should be so simple that it can be understood by a peasant (-Napoleon)

The purpose of a government is to make it easy for people to do good and difficult to do evil (British PM Gladstone)

Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are today (Gandhi)

The Rig-Veda declares: "Truth is one; sages call it various names- Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti." The Upanishads declare that all the paths lead to the same goal, just as cows of variegated colours yield the same white milk.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

PIB reports

 1. Our robust external sector has facilitated the lower depreciation of the IndianRupee vis. a. vis currencies of other major EMEs.
 2. On this very day(11 sep) 50 years ago the Indian Armed Forces had captured the strategic Hajipir Pass in response to Pakistan’s Operation Gibraltar, aimed at wresting Kashmir by sending in armed infiltrators.On 01 Sep 65, Pakistan had launched Operation Grand Slam to severe Rajouri and Punch from rest of the country.
 3. Steps to control prices of pulses and onions:The government has authorized institutions like Mother Diary to procure sensitive commodities like onion. The cost incurred would be borne out of Price Stabilisation Fund. Raised Minimum Export Price of onions, to increase availability in domestic market.Stock limits have been imposed on pulses(and onions).The government has requested the states to check hoarding and black-marketing of pulses and onions by using its powers under Essential Commodities Act. Pulses are imported to the tune of 5000 MT to check prices.Future trading in pulses like Urad and Tur had been already suspended.Export of pulses banned.Zero import duties on pulses.
 4.National Lab Policy is needed to address the testing, standardization and certification renewable energy projects in the country. proper standardization will facilitate financing options for biomass cook stoves in villages for clean energy.
 5.The Water storage available in 91 major reservoirs of the country as on September 10, 2015 was 92.379 BCM which is 59% of total storage capacity of these reservoirs. This storage is 77% of the storage of corresponding period of last year and 81% of storage of average of last ten years.
 6.The challenge of urbanization should be addressed jointly by the people and their representatives. Responsibilities should be shared between the electors and elected.-President of India,speaking on the eve of 151st Year Celebrations of Nagpur Mahanagarpalika at Nagpur today (September 14, 2015).
 7.Revival of 13 Stranded Gas Based Power Generation Plants With an Installed Capacity Of 8262.08 MW Successfully Bid Through a Transparent and Competitive Reverse E-Auction Process
 8. Decentralization of Power is the Fastest Way to Provide Energy Access
to the People”- Shri Piyush Goyal-small scale biogas stoves

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Famous Quotes 5

Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress-Mahatma Gandhi

The introduction of the railways has been historically the most powerful single initiator of take-offs-W.W.Rostow

Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding-Mahatma Gandhi

Since the industrial revolution, no country has become a major economy without becoming an industrial power-Lee Kuan Yew,delivering the Jawaharlal memorial lecture in New Delhi,2005

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong-Mahatma Gandhi

I feel more and more that we must function more from below than from the top...too much of centralisation means decay at the roots and ultimately a withering of branches, leaves and flowers-Jawaharlal Nehru

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, and then fight you....then you win-Mahatma Gandhi

We want to promote cooperative federalism in the country. At the same time, we want a competitive element among the states. I call this form of federalism cooperative and competitive federalism-Narendra Modi

Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary-Mahatma gandhi

Where there is love, there is life-Mahatma Gandhi

The nature of transactions between the government and the governed/ creditors and debtors on which the welfare of the masses/kingdom depends, shall always be scrutinised-Kautilya in Arthashastra around 3rd century BC

There is more to life than simply increasing its speed-Mahatma Gandhi

My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is God.Non-violence is the means of realising him-Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Sarva Dharma Samantva (Equality of all religions), Swadeshi(use of locally made goods) and Sparshbhavna(Untouchability)

Gandhiji said that the basic teaching of all religions is unique.  He likened all the religions to different rivers that converged into a single ocean. As all the rivers have the same nature of water, different religions also deliver the unique message-the message of love, harmony and compassion. Therefore, the sectarian notions and inter-religious hatredness are the artificial creations of vested interests in order to meet their selfish ends. Gandhi had read the sacred books of various religions-the Holy Bible, the Quran and the Bhagavad Gita. After much thought, analysis and deliberation, Gandhi concurred that the tenets of all religions have the same ethos and essence. True religious equanimity and tolerance would be born from the seeds of broad and inclusive perspective of religion, and a compassionate understanding of it.

In Gandhi’s view, an appropriate way to render national service is to use locally made goods for one’s consumption. This idea was propagated by what he commonly referred to as ‘swadeshi’. In his article in the periodical Young India in 1919, he said “My foremost loyalty and sense of alliance is with my next-door neighbor, and I would bear this in my mind at all times”. The crux of this message lies in his urge to adopt swadeshi goods for boosting domestic demand and hence domestic productivity. A nation can truly progress only when it is free from the dependence on foreign goods and products.

Gandhiji repudiated untouchability in every form. He considered untouchability as an unmitigated evil that hinders the development of free spirit and inclusiveness.  The evil of untouchability is a barrier to national integration that was so crucial for the development of a nation. Gandhiji condemened untouchability in the December 1920 issue of Young India” I consider untouchability as a heinous crime against humanity. It is not an act of self-restraint but an arrogant assumption of superiority”

Monday 7 September 2015

Economic Survey 2014-15 part 7

28)The two pillars of fiscal reforms are revenue augmentation and expenditure rationalization.

29)The Trade Facilitation Agreement(TFA) endorsed by India at the ninth ministerial conference(Bali,2013) is basically aimed at greater transparency and simplification of customs procedures, use of electronic payments and risk management techniques, and faster clearance at ports. Trade facilitation was put on the agenda mainly by the developed countries while the issue of rules relating to public stock-holding for food security purposes was put on the agenda by G-33 group of 46 developing countries including India.

30)Post Bali, the focus of the developed countries was only on the implementation of TFA.India took a firm stand in July 2014 that without a firm commitment to implement the other Bali decisions, it would be difficult to join the consensus on the Protocol of Amendment to incorporate the TFA into the umbrella WTO agreement.

31)On 27 Nov,2014,the General Council of the WTO adopted a decision on Public stockholding for food security purposes, a decision on the TFA and a decision on Post Bali work. It includes a commitment to find a permanent solution on public stockholding for food security purposes by 31 Dec,2015.

32)The major dev driving the stubborn inflation down were falling global commodity prices, especially of crude oil, decline in the growth rate of rural wages, moderation in increase in MSPs, as also slack in economic activity. For sustainability of low inflation, the policy focus should be on enhancing the resilience of agr sector and eliminating leakages, inclusion and exclusion errors, and various distortions created by the present food policy.